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   The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova has been awarded by the World Bank in Washington

  On Saturday, October 11, 2014, at the World Bank Group Headquarters in  Washington DC, the official award ceremony 2013 WBG Competition Advocacy Contest was held, where the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova was selected for a Honorable Mention in the category" Increasing awareness of stakeholders from the private sector and consumers' ability to deter anti-competitive practices. "

     The event was preceded by a round table entitled "Competition Policy Advocacy: Changing mindsets to transform markets " that was attended by heads of the competition authorities, representatives of the World Bank Group, NGOs and the private sector worldwide.

     The purpose of this event was to highlight the role of competition authorities in competition policy advocacy. Within the contest success stories of competition authorities around the world were submitted, including the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova.

     The success stories have been focused on the activities conducted by the competition authorities to promote and encourage a competitive business environment not through mechanisms of coercion but by promoting good relations with other public entities and increasing awareness of the society on competition benefits.

     Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova, in this contest, was awarded for the submitted case on offering opportunities to the consumers by reducing information asymmetry with respect to the most important variable in the telecommunications market. The Regulatory Authority of Moldova has implemented the proposal of the Competition Council to provide consumers with relevant information on traffic and internet market prices, which helped consumers to make better decisions in a more transparent market.

     "The high appreciation of our achievements is important for us, as this is the first such an international award, to confirm that we are going the right way motivating us for even more efficient actions." - said the President of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova in her speech during the award ceremony.


     Concomitantly, Ms. Viorica CĂRARE specified that the Honorable Mention is particularly important for the Competition Council of the Republic, being the result of joint effort of the entire team for successful implementation of the actions and policies of the competition authority in Moldova, being also the proof of international appreciation of these actions.



Competition Council

13 October 2014


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