<![CDATA[Competition Council]]> https://old.competition.md/ 16.10.2024 en https://old.competition.md/ Copyright (c) 2024 https://old.competition.md/The New Map of state aid for regional development entered into force <![CDATA[The New Map of state aid for regional development entered into force // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8394&t=/Press/News/The-New-Map-of-state-aid-for-regional-development-entered-into-force/ Starting from September 10, 2024, a new Map of state aid for regional development in the Republic of Moldova, valid for the period 2024-2027, entered into force. It was approved by the Plenum of the Competition Council through the recent amendment of the Regulation on the evaluation of state aid for regional development. The map of state aid for regional development of the Republic of Moldova is the act that identifies the regions eligible for granting state aid for regional development, ]]> 12.09.2024 08:51 The Competition Council will benefit from a new Twinning project, implemented by the competition authorities in Romania, Poland and Lithuania <![CDATA[The Competition Council will benefit from a new Twinning project, implemented by the competition authorities in Romania, Poland and Lithuania // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8338&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-will-benefit-from-a-new-Twinning-project-implemented-by-the-competition-authorities-in-Romania-Poland-and-Lithuania/ The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova will receive assistance under a new project financed by the European Union and coordinated by the Romanian competition authority. The consortium led by the Romanian Competition Council, which includes the competition authorities of Lithuania and Poland, was selected to implement in the Republic of Moldova, EU Twinning Project „Consolidation of the institutional capacity of the Competition Council for the enforcement of competition policy and state aid in accordance with EU" best practices. The project ]]> 26.07.2024 10:53 The experience of the Republic of Moldova presented at the International Conference on Competition in Armenia <![CDATA[The experience of the Republic of Moldova presented at the International Conference on Competition in Armenia // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8282&t=/Press/News/The-experience-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-presented-at-the-International-Conference-on-Competition-in-Armenia/ ]]> 21.06.2024 15:02 Undertaking „Bucuria”, fined with over 1.8 million MDL for unfair competition <![CDATA[Undertaking „Bucuria”, fined with over 1.8 million MDL for unfair competition // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8278&t=/Press/News/Undertaking-Bucuria-fined-with-over-18-million-MDL-for-unfair-competition/ The Competition Council sanctioned „Bucuria" S.A. with over 1.8 million MDL for illegal copying of confectionery packaging „MU" and „PARKUR", belonging to another undertaking. The decision on finding the unfair competition actions was taken on 07 June 2024. The investigation was initiated in 2022, following the complaint lodged by the foreign undertakings manufacturing the similar confectionery products and their official importer in the Republic of Moldova. According to those invoked in the complaint, „Bucuria" S.A. uses chromatic shapes and ranges in ]]> 17.06.2024 13:30 The Competition Council applied to the undertaking SRL „Horus” a fine of about 580 thousand MDL for obstructing the dawn raid <![CDATA[The Competition Council applied to the undertaking SRL „Horus” a fine of about 580 thousand MDL for obstructing the dawn raid // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8264&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-applied-to-the-undertaking-SRL-Horus-a-fine-of-about-580-thousand-MDL-for-obstructing-the-dawn-raid/ The Plenum of the Competition Council took on 7 June 2024 a decision on finding the infringement of the procedural rules by SRL „Horus" during the conduct of the dawn raid. The dawn raid took place in early 2023, in the context of an investigation into alleged infringements of the Competition Law. During the dawn raid carried out at the SRL „Horus", the Competition Council team encountered multiple obstacles and delays from the representatives of the undertaking. The actions of the ]]> 13.06.2024 14:46 The Competition Council has carried out dawn raids at undertakings active in the market for the purchase of raw cow's milk <![CDATA[The Competition Council has carried out dawn raids at undertakings active in the market for the purchase of raw cow's milk // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8260&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-has-carried-out-dawn-raids-at-undertakings-active-in-the-market-for-the-purchase-of-raw-cows-milk/ The Competition Council]]> 07.06.2024 13:39 Competition Council at the 2024 Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN) <![CDATA[Competition Council at the 2024 Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN) // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8242&t=/Press/News/Competition-Council-at-the-2024-Annual-Conference-of-the-International-Competition-Network-ICN/ On 14-17 May 2024, the President of the Competition Council, Alexei GHERȚESCU, attended the Annual Conference 2024 of the International Competition Network (ICN), which took place in Sauipe, Brazil.  ]]> 20.05.2024 08:16 Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova brings national expertise to the regional seminar on bidd rigging in Budapest <![CDATA[Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova brings national expertise to the regional seminar on bidd rigging in Budapest // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8241&t=/Press/News/Competition-Council-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-brings-national-expertise-to-the-regional-seminar-on-bidd-rigging-in-Budapest/ The delegation of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova led by Roman PUSCA, Vice-president of the Competition Council, participated within the regional seminar on bidd rigging on May 14-16, 2024, carried out by the Regional Competition Centre of the OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in Budapest (RCC OECD-GVH). The event, which brought together experts and competition professionals from more than 16 countries, addressed crucial issues related to the costs and impact of bidd rigging on governments ]]> 17.05.2024 08:32 Competition Council at the second edition of the International Competition Conference Upgrade <![CDATA[Competition Council at the second edition of the International Competition Conference Upgrade // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8227&t=/Press/News/Competition-Council-at-the-second-edition-of-the-International-Competition-Conference-Upgrade/ On May 14 - 15, 2024, in Chisinau, the team of the Competition Council led by Cornelia GORINCIOI, Member of the Competition Council Plenum, participated in the Second edition of the International Conference Competition Upgrade II entitled „Practical issues regarding the application of the Competition Law in the Republic of Moldova and the EU". The event brought to the fore discussions on anticompetitive practices, investigation procedures, theoretical elements and practical aspects in the field of economic concentrations, definition of the relevant ]]> 15.05.2024 13:12 The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova aligns to the anti-bribery standard ISO 37001 <![CDATA[The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova aligns to the anti-bribery standard ISO 37001 // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8213&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-aligns-to-the-anti-bribery-standard-ISO-37001/ The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova joins the initiative to implement the international anti-bribery standard ISO 37001, marking an important step in its commitment to fight corruption and promote transparent and ethical practices. In this regard, the Competition Council, The Institute for Standardization of Moldova and the USAID Program Institutional and Structural Reforms in Moldova (MISRA) today signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the roles and responsibilities of each institution in the international bribery certification process of the Competition ]]> 30.04.2024 14:47 The Competition Council sanctioned two undertakings for participating with bid rigging in public procurement <![CDATA[The Competition Council sanctioned two undertakings for participating with bid rigging in public procurement // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8189&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-sanctioned-two-undertakings-for-participating-with-bid-rigging-in-public-procurement/ The Competition Council has sanctioned the "Vigurcom" SRL and "Rapid Link" SRL undertakings for participating with bid rigging in public procurement. Following an investigation conducted by the Competition Council, it was found that the two undertakings participated with bid rigging in the public procurement procedure organized in 2019 by the Information Technology and Cyber security Service, which aimed to acquire construction works for telephone and communication lines and auxiliary works for several public objects. In the process of preparing bids for participation ]]> 22.04.2024 09:42 In a premiere, representatives of competition authorities from 17 countries gathered in Chisinau for an international event <![CDATA[In a premiere, representatives of competition authorities from 17 countries gathered in Chisinau for an international event // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8183&t=/Press/News/In-a-premiere-representatives-of-competition-authorities-from-17-countries-gathered-in-Chisinau-for-an-international-event/ The Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosted a major event on April 15 - 17, 2024, bringing together representatives of competition authorities from 17 countries entitled "Competition and Regulated Sectors." The event, organized for the first time in Chisinau, provided an essential platform for the exchange of ideas and best practices among internationally recognized specialists. Over the course of three days, participants addressed various topics related to competition and regulation in diverse fields such as energy, natural gas, telecommunications, ]]> 17.04.2024 14:43 The Competition Council and the Advocates Training Centre jointly organized the training workshop dedicated to defining relevant markets in competition law <![CDATA[The Competition Council and the Advocates Training Centre jointly organized the training workshop dedicated to defining relevant markets in competition law // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8182&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-and-the-Advocates-Training-Centre-jointly-organized-the-training-workshop-dedicated-to-defining-relevant-markets-in-competition-law/ On April 16, the President of the Competition Council, Alexei GHERȚESCU, was invited to conduct a special training session at the Training Workshop entitled "Definition of the relevant market in competition law" organized for the first time in collaboration with the Lawyers Training Center. During the session, the President of the competition authority presented a detailed analysis of the rules and regulations governing the determination of the relevant market, stressing the importance of this aspect in the investigations and analyses carried ]]> 16.04.2024 15:27 Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosts a major event under the aegis of OECD: "Competition and regulated areas" <![CDATA[Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosts a major event under the aegis of OECD: "Competition and regulated areas" // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8180&t=/Press/News/Competition-Council-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-hosts-a-major-event-under-the-aegis-of-OECD-Competition-and-regulated-areas/ Between 15 - 17 April 2024, the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova will host a major international event entitled "Competition and regulated areas", organized under the aegis of the OECD Regional Competition Centre in Budapest (RCC OECD-GVH). The event is organized in the context of bilateral cooperation between the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and the RCC OECD-GVH. The Republic of Moldova was selected for the first time as host and co-organizer of the regional international seminar, organized ]]> 15.04.2024 11:14 The Competition Council conducts dawn raids at undertakings operating in the market for medical devices <![CDATA[The Competition Council conducts dawn raids at undertakings operating in the market for medical devices // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8179&t=/Press/News/The-Competition-Council-conducts-dawn-raids-at-undertakings-operating-in-the-market-for-medical-devices/ Between 11 - 12 April 2024, the Competition Council conducted dawn raids at several undertakings operating in the medical devices market. The dawn raids are carried out within the framework of the investigation initiated on the signs of violation of the provisions of Article 5 of the Competition Law, namely the participation with bid rigging to electronic public procurement procedures.   Dawn raids represent a stage of the investigation. Their purpose is to identify and collect relevant evidence for the case. The ]]> 12.04.2024 12:11 The COMPETITION COUNCIL at OECD-GVH RCC <![CDATA[The COMPETITION COUNCIL at OECD-GVH RCC // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=8168&t=/Press/News/The-COMPETITION-COUNCIL-at-OECD-GVH-RCC/ During March 25th to 26th, in Budapest, Hungary, the President of the Competition Council, Alexei GHERȚESCU, participated in the meeting of the heads of the competition authorities, organized by the Regional Competition Centre of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The event brought together high-level representatives of competition authorities from Central and Eastern Europe, providing a platform for discussion and knowledge exchange in two important areas: judicial control over competition cases and market concentration control. Several panels were organized ]]> 29.03.2024 16:44 Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2022 <![CDATA[Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2022 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=8111&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aid-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-for-2022/ ]]> 13.02.2024 11:16 AMENDMENTS TO LAW NO. 139/2012 ON STATE AID - VOTED IN FIRST READING <![CDATA[AMENDMENTS TO LAW NO. 139/2012 ON STATE AID - VOTED IN FIRST READING // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7972&t=/Press/News/AMENDMENTS-TO-LAW-NO-1392012-ON-STATE-AID-VOTED-IN-FIRST-READING/ On 19 October 2023, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova voted in the first reading the amendments to the Law No. 139/2012 on State Aid. The main objective of this project was to increase the de minimis aid thresholds from 2 to 5 million MDL and up to 10 million MDL for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). This will ensure easier access to State support for enterprises, in line with EU rules. Other amendments concern some adjustments of the national ]]> 23.10.2023 08:11 Business associations from Moldova – in dialogue with competition authorities of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union <![CDATA[Business associations from Moldova – in dialogue with competition authorities of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7951&t=/Press/News/Business-associations-from-Moldova-in-dialogue-with-competition-authorities-of-the-Republic-of-Moldova-and-the-European-Union/ On 05 October 2023, the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosted a round table which gathered representatives of the European Commission, business associations from Moldova and the national competition authority. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange views on the competition policies in the EU and in the Republic of Moldova, amendments to the relevant legal framework in Moldova, main challenges faced by Moldovan business in its relations with the Competition Council, etc. These issues were discussed in ]]> 12.10.2023 16:43 2023 PRIA COMPETITION MOLDOVA: Competition in the Republic of Moldova and European prospects <![CDATA[2023 PRIA COMPETITION MOLDOVA: Competition in the Republic of Moldova and European prospects // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7950&t=/Press/News/2023-PRIA-COMPETITION-MOLDOVA-Competition-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-and-European-prospects/ On October 06, 2023, a new edition of the International Conference "PRIA COMPETITION MOLDOVA 2023" took place in Chisinau, Republic of MOLDOVA. Competition as a vital mechanism for the good functioning of the economy as well as the state of competition in the Republic of Moldova in the face of current challenges were among the main topics discussed during the event. The conference organized by PRIA Events, in cooperation with the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova, gathered under its ]]> 12.10.2023 16:36 Representatives of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition (DG Competition) in a working visit to the Competition Council <![CDATA[Representatives of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition (DG Competition) in a working visit to the Competition Council // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7949&t=/Press/News/Representatives-of-the-European-Commissions-Directorate-General-for-Competition-DG-Competition-in-a-working-visit-to-the-Competition-Council/ On October 05, 2023, the representatives of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova headed by its President, Alexei GHERTESCU, had a working meeting with the DG Competition delegation led by Mr. Alexander WINTERSTEIN - Head of Unit, DG Competition - Communications Policy, accompanied by Ms Kalypso THOMOPOULOU, International Relations Officer, DG Competition. During the event, the representatives of the European Commission presented the key elements of DG Competition, namely: its organizational structure, the functional processes within DG Competition, the ]]> 12.10.2023 16:29 THE SECOND SESSION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL OF ROMANIA ON THE TRANSFER OF EXPERTISE IN THE PROCESS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA <![CDATA[THE SECOND SESSION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL OF ROMANIA ON THE TRANSFER OF EXPERTISE IN THE PROCESS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7936&t=/Press/News/THE-SECOND-SESSION-OF-TECHNICAL-ASSISTANCE-PROVIDED-BY-THE-COMPETITION-COUNCIL-OF-ROMANIA-ON-THE-TRANSFER-OF-EXPERTISE-IN-THE-PROCESS-OF-EUROPEAN-INTEGRATION-OF-THE-REPUBLIC-OF-MOLDOVA/ The second session of technical assistance provided by the Competition Council of Romania was held in Chisinau between 18-22 September, in order to implement the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on the application for accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union and to align the national legislation with the EU acquis. The purpose of the event was to provide assistance and legal expertise for the preparation of the screening of the regulatory acts in ]]> 25.09.2023 09:51 ENFORCEMENT OF COMPETITION LAW BY THE COURTS: THE COMPETITION AUTHORITY’S PERSPECTIVE <![CDATA[ENFORCEMENT OF COMPETITION LAW BY THE COURTS: THE COMPETITION AUTHORITY’S PERSPECTIVE // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7934&t=/Press/News/ENFORCEMENT-OF-COMPETITION-LAW-BY-THE-COURTS-THE-COMPETITION-AUTHORITYS-PERSPECTIVE/ On 21 September 2023, the President of the Competition Council, Alexei GHERȚESCU, participated in the event dedicated to "Judicial Review of Competition Decisions in the EU", organized within the International Workshop "Fundamentals of EU Competition Law".   The President of the Competition Council presented to the public the new provisions of the Competition Law No. 183/2012, which entered into force on 18 September 2023, the enforcement systems of competition law and shared the existing challenges in the application of competition law by ]]> 22.09.2023 16:22 NEW PROVISIONS OF THE COMPETITION LAW - IN FORCE FROM TODAY <![CDATA[NEW PROVISIONS OF THE COMPETITION LAW - IN FORCE FROM TODAY // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7929&t=/Press/News/NEW-PROVISIONS-OF-THE-COMPETITION-LAW-IN-FORCE-FROM-TODAY/ On 18 September 2023, the new provisions of the Competition Law No. 183/2012 entered into force. The amendment of the Competition Law No. 183/2012 was made in order to implement the international commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova, in the context of obtaining the candidate country status for accession to the European Union and the Association Programme between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova 2021-2027. Thereby, to maintain and harmonise the national regulatory framework to ensure free competition ]]> 18.09.2023 17:37 SUPPORT PROVIDED BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL OF ROMANIA FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RAILWAY REGULATORY BODY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA <![CDATA[SUPPORT PROVIDED BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL OF ROMANIA FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RAILWAY REGULATORY BODY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7917&t=/Press/News/SUPPORT-PROVIDED-BY-THE-COMPETITION-COUNCIL-OF-ROMANIA-FOR-THE-ESTABLISHMENT-OF-THE-RAILWAY-REGULATORY-BODY-IN-THE-REPUBLIC-OF-MOLDOVA/ Between 4-6 September 2023, the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosted the first session of technical assistance of the Competition Council of Romania, held in the context of the support opportunity provided by Romania through the secondment of experts to Chisinau, in order to implement the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on the application of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union, but also with regard to the alignment of national ]]> 06.09.2023 14:30 COMPETITION COUNCIL AT THE 21ST SESSION OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL WORKING GROUP OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) <![CDATA[COMPETITION COUNCIL AT THE 21ST SESSION OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL WORKING GROUP OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7878&t=/Press/News/COMPETITION-COUNCIL-AT-THE-21ST-SESSION-OF-THE-INTERGOVERNMENTAL-WORKING-GROUP-OF-THE-UNITED-NATIONS-CONFERENCE-ON-TRADE-AND-DEVELOPMENT-UNCTAD/ Between 5 and 7 July 2023, the President of the Competition Council, Alexei GHERȚESCU, attends the 21st Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) dealing with competition law and policy, in Geneva, Swiss Confederation. The conference addresses topics such as: enforcement issues in the case of monopolies; the interaction between competition and industrial policies; competition law and policy and sustainability; review of capacity building and technical assistance in the field of competition law ]]> 21.07.2023 16:42 DRAFT AMENDMENT TO THE LAW ON STATE AID SUBMITTED TO THE GOVERNMENT BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL <![CDATA[DRAFT AMENDMENT TO THE LAW ON STATE AID SUBMITTED TO THE GOVERNMENT BY THE COMPETITION COUNCIL // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7823&t=/Press/News/DRAFT-AMENDMENT-TO-THE-LAW-ON-STATE-AID-SUBMITTED-TO-THE-GOVERNMENT-BY-THE-COMPETITION-COUNCIL/ Draft amendment of the Law on State Aid submitted to the Government by the Competition Council. For the purpose of adjusting the national regulatory framework in the field of State aid to the European Union rules and implementing the actions set out in the Government Action Plan for 2023 approved by Government Decision No. 90/2023, the Competition Council has developed proposals to amend Law No. 139/2012 on State Aid. An important innovative element foreseen in the draft law is the proposal that ]]> 30.05.2023 17:01 HARMONISATION OF STATE AID LEGISLATION WITH THE EU ACQUIS DISCUSSED AT A WORKING SESSION ORGANISED BY THE MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITISATION <![CDATA[HARMONISATION OF STATE AID LEGISLATION WITH THE EU ACQUIS DISCUSSED AT A WORKING SESSION ORGANISED BY THE MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITISATION // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7822&t=/Press/News/HARMONISATION-OF-STATE-AID-LEGISLATION-WITH-THE-EU-ACQUIS-DISCUSSED-AT-A-WORKING-SESSION-ORGANISED-BY-THE-MINISTRY-OF-ECONOMIC-DEVELOPMENT-AND-DIGITISATION/ The Competition Council presented its opinion and recommendations on the draft law aimed at modifying the de minimis aid ceiling during the working session organised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation on 25 May 2023. At the meeting, reports were presented on the impact assessment of the current regulations in the field of de minimis aid and the macroeconomic analysis of the socio-economic environment and developments/changes in the Republic of Moldova in 2018, as well as the economic policy ]]> 30.05.2023 16:54 International workshop dedicated to state aid, leniency policy and communication held in Chisinau, between 23-25 May 2023 <![CDATA[International workshop dedicated to state aid, leniency policy and communication held in Chisinau, between 23-25 May 2023 // News]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=38&id=7814&t=/Press/News/International-workshop-dedicated-to-state-aid-leniency-policy-and-communication-held-in-Chisinau-between-23-25-May-2023/ Between May 23-25, 2023, the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova hosted a large-scale event: "Workshop dedicated to State Aid, Whistleblowing & Leniency and Communication". The event brought together specialists and experts from the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Hungary under its auspices. The Workshop agenda included a series of discussion panels and exchange of experience within the participants discussed the best European practices and shared their knowledge and experience in the field of State Aid, ]]> 25.05.2023 13:33 Activity report of the Competition Council for the year 2022 <![CDATA[Activity report of the Competition Council for the year 2022 // Annual reports]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=50&id=7807&t=/Transparency/Reports/Annual-reports/Activity-report-of-the-Competition-Council-for-the-year-2022/ 23.05.2023 14:29