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Competition Council and the Public Procurement Agency involved in a training course conducted with the support of EBRD.

23.03.2015   1137 Views    

The specialists from Compettiion Council jontly with those from Public Procurement Agency, participate in a training course in assessing competitive procurement (Advanced module). The training is being conducted under the Technical Assistance Project, funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),  in the premises of the Competition Council, from 23 to 25 March 2015.

During the training sessions, experts from Lear, a company contracted by the EBRD for the implementation of this project will address important issues for a better understanding of the competitive problems that may arise in relation to the procurement procedure and the possible solutions to avoid and eliminate thereof.

We note that at the initiative of the Competition Council, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is contrubuting to the implementation of a technical assistance project, the main objectives of which consist in condating a study of the economic sectors where public procurement has a considerable demand in order to identify competitive problems as well as developing relevant recommendations to address the identified issues and in strengthening institutional capacity through trainings for authority’s employees.

Competition Council



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