<![CDATA[Competition Council]]> https://old.competition.md/ 16.10.2024 en https://old.competition.md/ Copyright (c) 2024 https://old.competition.md/Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2022 <![CDATA[Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2022 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=8111&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aid-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-for-2022/ ]]> 13.02.2024 11:16 Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2021 <![CDATA[Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2021 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=7642&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aid-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-for-2021/ ]]> 10.01.2023 08:46 Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2020 <![CDATA[Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2020 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=7320&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aid-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-for-2020/ ]]> 15.12.2021 11:11 Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2019 <![CDATA[Report on State Aid granted in the Republic of Moldova for 2019 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=7135&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aid-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-for-2019/ ]]> 22.02.2021 14:51 Report on State Aids Granted in the Republic of Moldova during 2018 <![CDATA[Report on State Aids Granted in the Republic of Moldova during 2018 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=6796&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/Report-on-State-Aids-Granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-during-2018/ Consiliul Concurenței a elaborat cel de-al VI-a Raport privind ajutoarele de stat acordate în Republica Moldova, de la intrarea în vigoare a Legii nr. 139/2012 cu privire la ajutorul de stat. Raportul dat a fost elaborat în conformitate cu informația prezentată de către furnizorii de ajutor de stat și de minimis (APC, APL, etc.) prin intermediul Sistemului Informațional Automatizat Registrul Ajutoarelor de Stat al Republicii Moldova (SIRASM). Acest raport cuprinde o analiză a valorii, structurii şi a tendinţelor înregistrate pe parcursul ]]> 20.12.2019 09:34 REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2017 <![CDATA[REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2017 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=6523&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/REPORT-on-state-aids-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-in-2017/ 05.02.2019 09:20 REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2016 <![CDATA[REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2016 // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=6311&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/REPORT-on-state-aids-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-in-2016/ 28.03.2018 13:16 REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2015 (Summary) <![CDATA[REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2015 (Summary) // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=5975&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/REPORT-on-state-aids-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-in-2015-Summary/ 27.03.2017 10:02 REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2014 (Summary) <![CDATA[REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2014 (Summary) // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=5764&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/REPORT-on-state-aids-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-in-2014-Summary/ 12.07.2016 09:25 REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2011-2013 (Summary) <![CDATA[REPORT on state aids granted in the Republic of Moldova in 2011-2013 (Summary) // Reports on state aids]]> https://old.competition.md/libview.php?l=en&idc=51&id=5522&t=/Transparency/Reports/Reports-on-state-aids/REPORT-on-state-aids-granted-in-the-Republic-of-Moldova-in-2011-2013-Summary/ 19.10.2015 10:00